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Buku Teologi Islam Harun Nasution 71 Full Edition Rar Book Download (mobi)

The fundamental question to ask if you want to know what is the right religion for you, is: what would have been the consequences of not choosing Islam as a basis for your belief? If you understood this, it would be easier to find answers as you seek answers. In this book, it will tell how Islam can be found in our everyday life. It will also provide advice about how to prepare oneself spiritually for meeting God and being closer with Him. With an easy access on applications like eBooksOnline and Read2u, people always have the chance to read books whenever they want even outside their house or office. Written by Dr. Syafii bin Nasarudin, the author is the director of Islamic studies at Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and Imam of Masjid Baitul Huda, Bandung. Dr. Nasarudin has his PhD in Theology from Pemerintah Koran Universitas Islam Negeri (PKU-IN) Jakarta. He was also involved in education programs including Islamic education program, Islamic medicine programs and others. He has been lecturing for Islamic studies curriculum since his undergraduate study. In addition, he is also a reviewer for the books, lecture notes and syllabus on Islamic studies from various universities and institutes. Buku Teologi Islam has been published by Mizan Publishing House and distributed by Tiga Serangkai publishing house. The book is divided into four chapters: God and His Religion, Man and His Faith, The World and Its Order, Approach to God. “He who knows himself knows his Lord.” –Prophet Muhammad All books provided by this source: http://www.mizanpublishing. Buku Teologi Islam Buku Teologi IslamThe other book that can be recommended is Buku Teologi Islam atau Theologi Islam by the same author, Dr. Syafii bin Nasarudin. Born in Bandung, Indonesia on November 19, 1964, Syafii was an Imam of Masjid Baitul Huda in Bandung since 1984 until now. Initially, he taught Islamic law at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta from 1984 to 1987 while he studied his master's degree. In 1988, he continued to teach Islamic law at UIN Walisongo until 2007. That year, he graduated from the Doctor of Philosophy program at School of Interreligious Studies Management, Department of Culture and Human Development of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. In 1991, he became a lecturer at the Indonesian Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (PPIMT) Jakarta. cfa1e77820

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